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From $1.1 Million to $26 Million (and Growing!)

November 16, 2020

After seven years in the Air Force, Lenny Siers decided to start an air conditioner repair company. For nearly ten years he operated as an independent contractor. In 2001, he began looking for ways to increase his annual revenue, which was sitting at around $1.1 million, and decided to join the One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning family.

“I was looking for a systems-based networking group to be a part of and to learn from, and the Clockwork Home Services group fit that need,” said Lenny.

As a matter of fact, Lenny watched as the company grew and was intrigued when they launched the One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning brand. In 2004, Lenny decided to purchase a One Hour franchise in Niceville, FL, and began to see how established systems can lead to increased revenue. He went from being a $1.6 million dollar company in 2005 to currently standing at around $26 million annually.

“I saw how successful an owner could be using the systems One Hour offered and replicating them in my business,” remarked Lenny. In fact, he was so impressed with the franchise system, he purchased a Benjamin Franklin Plumbing franchise in 2010 and a Mister Sparky franchise in 2017.

Lenny believes that one key to his success was taking advantage of the internal network of successful business owners. “We are in a unique position to be able to speak with other owners who know exactly what you are going through. I made the effort early on to seek out successful owners to mentor and challenge me and that has allowed me to become a better business owner myself,” stated Lenny. “We are unique in that we have the ability to raise each other up and thrive off of our competition.”

Lenny offered three pieces of advice to owners looking to grow their business:

  1. Take advantage of the systems in the franchise – they are proven to work if you apply them!
  2. Use the tools, resources, and support you are paying for. BuyMax, Successware, your FBC, marketing, the training – you are entitled to these resources; take advantage and use them!
  3. Embrace the network. Take the time to visit other shops and observe how they operate. Use the insights you gain to grow your own business.

“I have visited 50 locations and learned something from each trip. I’ve also had at least 50 franchise owners visit me, and I learn something from each of them, too!”

As Lenny continues to grow and thrive, he had one final piece of advice for franchise owners looking to scale: Always be on the lookout for low-cost acquisitions.

“I’ve completed six acquisitions and they took me from $6 million to $26 million, and I’m looking to acquire more in the next few years,” he said. “If you are wondering how to go about finding and acquiring low-cost companies, feel free to give me a call!”

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